CyberMonday Weeklong Worrship Sale
CyberMonday Weeklong Worrship Sale

In 2021, I want to...

Get my team value practice & rehearsal more...

Practice Matters

Monday/Tuesday ONLY

Get more done in less time (AND create a better culture)...

Slide Deck_cover

Tuesday/Wednesday ONLY

Get my band to sound better...

worship band training bundle

Wednesday/Thursday ONLY

Get my worship team to be more expressive...


Thursday/Friday ONLY

Get It ALL!


Available NOW (Ends Friday)

Get Your Team To Practice...

Practice Matters
CyberMonday Special 50% Off

Practice Matters

This 9-module, on-demand video course will...

  • Teach your team the value of preparation from a biblical perspective.
  • Reduce the stress and frustration of people coming unprepared to rehearsals.
  • Help you make the most of your rehearsal time.
  • Teach your team practical techniques that will improve their ability to prepare.
  • Deepen the musicianship & commitment level of your team members.
  • Encourage and teach your team to memorize their music.

Practice Matters | Regular Price: $147 CyberMonday Special: $73.50

Use coupon code CYBPM at checkout

CyberMonday Discount Code will EXPIRE in...


Get More Time. Build Better Systems.


When you build healthy systems, you change the CULTURE of your team.

CyberMonday Special $100 Off

Build Your Eight Essential Systems

Are you frustrated with...

  • Not making the progress you want to make with your worship team?
  • Not having enough time to get all the stuff done for Sunday (after Sunday after Sunday)?
  • Neglecting the parts of worship ministry you’re passionate about because you’re always chasing the urgent stuff of the ministry?
  • Team members' uncommitted behavior (showing up late, unprepared, etc), and the drama on your team?

Get These Eight, On-Demand Video Workshops

Get More (And Better) Musicians

This workshop gives you a step-by-step plan for creating a system that will help you attract, qualify, and invite the right people on the team.

Slacker-Proof Your Schedule

Build a committed team through the RIGHT scheduling process. Learn the must-have elements get your team to take ownership of their schedule.

Build a Preparation-Driven Team

Get a step-by-step process to change the culture of preparation in your worship team. (Use with Practice Matters for amazing results.)

Develop ALL-IN Team Members

Mentor, grow, and motivate team members towards their potential—musically, spiritually, and relationally.

Build a Team of Leaders

Learn how to strategically and intentionally build a leadership team that complements your strengths (and covers your weak areas).

SONGCYCLE: Avoid The Monster List

Church not singing? Learn to rotate your songs in a way that encourages the congregation to sing from the heart, NOT the screen. 

Set For Sunday

Plan creative worship sets every Sunday, but at sustainable pace. Lead your church on a Biblical journey of worship each week.

Communicate Vision

Your system of communication is far more crucial than you think. It’s not just about transferring information, but setting expectations and creating culture transformation.

Want Just One?

Each title is available for purchase as a single, on-demand workshop at an affordable price of just $79.

Combined Price of All Eight Workshops: $632 | Regular Bundle Price: $297 Special Limited Time Price: $197

Use coupon code CMRNV8 at checkout

CyberMonday Discount Code will EXPIRE in...


Get A Better Sounding Band...


Team Member Training Courses

The Worship Band Training Bundle

Bundle Resource #1:

Regular Price: $49

Arranging Essentials: Worship Band Training

This isn’t Bach's counterpoint or the musical equivalent of brain surgery. In this course, your team will learn easy-to-apply concepts and tools that will help them create a killer arrangement of any song, no matter what size your band.

  • Arrangement Hack: Your team will learn the skills to "arrangement hack”—that is, to create a great sounding arrangement similar to recording, without the pressure to duplicate it perfectly.

  • Tight & Together: Your team will play tighter and more together because they’ve learned how to self-arrange, how to complement each other, and really listen to each other.

  • Better Mix: Get your sound techs and musicians on the same page so the tech knows how to mix the arrangement, and the band gives the tech something worth mixing.

  • Create YOUR Sound: Make song arrangements your own. You'll learn how to arrange in a way that musically fits your team, your church, and the culture in which you're serving.

  • Less Ego/More Teamwork: Create collaboration & healthy musical dialog among your team members. This course will help them understand musical teamwork like never before.

  • Train New Leaders: This class is a ready-made resource to train up new musical directors and band leaders.

This workshop is DONE-FOR-YOU, ready-made training. It contains seven on-demand video sessions, discussion guide, leader's implementation guide, slide graphics, and team member handouts.

Bundle Resource #2:

Regular Price: $149

Worship Band 101: Team Musicianship

Everything your team learns in Arranging Essentials, they get to see demonstrated inside this in-depth course taught by professional musicians. You get almost 4 hours of ready-made, practical instruction (in bite-size pieces) to train your team.

Here are the six classes... 

Class 1: Own Your Space (But Play Nice With Others)

Learn how to create a tight sound by knowing your place, practicing your part, and leaving room for others in the band.

Class 2: Create a Killer Musical Journey

Learn how to create a dynamic, musical journey in different styles and tempos.

Class 3: Crush the Critical Moments

Learn how to create critical moments with intentional intros, endings, and transitions.

Class 4: Small Band/Big Worship

The band arranges two songs with just piano, acoustic guitar and percussion to show you how to make a big sound from just a few instruments.

Class 5: Prepare Like a Pro

Learn and apply the preparation mindset and habits of professional musicians.

Class 6: One Team: Deepen The Musician & Tech Relationship

Discover ways to strengthen the critical relationship between the production techs and the platform team.

Training Bundle

Get Two Killer Trainings for One LOW Price

You can use these two resources to...

  • Boost an already-solid team to the next level.
  • Transform an average-sounding band to awesome.
  • Create a fantastic sound with just few instruments.

This Worship Band Training Bundle disappears this Thursday at 11:59pm EST. (December 3)

Worship Band Training Bundle | Combined Regular Price: $198 CyberMonday Special: $97

Use Coupon Code CMAR at checkout

CyberMonday Discount Code will EXPIRE in...


Get a More Engaging Team...


Core Content Course

Lead Worshiper Training Bundle

Lead Worshiper 101 & 201 Course Bundle
Regular Combined Price: $98

Lead Worshiper 101 & 201 Worship Team Training Classes

Help your team know what it means to be a lead worshiper. Too often, team members are spiritually unprepared, or just focus on the music stand, or aren't expressive, or think it's all about the music.

  • Biblical Foundation: Your team will more deeply understand their Biblical, two-fold role as lead worshipers. They'll also get a greater understanding of the Biblical expressions of worship.

  • NOT About the Music: Your team will explore and discuss why they do what they do. And how it’s NOT just about making music.

  • Serving With The Right Heart: Your team will learn that being on the worship team is NOT about their personal or stylistic preferences. They'll also learn how to make it all about Jesus…even when they're the ones on a "stage."

  • Expressive & Engaging: Your team will explore how to lead expressively and how to engage the congregation...all without making it a performance. They also discover how they can lead with authority and confidence.

  • NOT About How I Feel: Feelings and emotions are a valid part of worship. But your team will explore how worship is a matter of choice. And they'll learn how to worship even if they don't "feel" spiritual.

  • Why Songs Matter: Your team will learn why it's important to be intentional not only about which songs we sing, but also how often we sing them. Team members can get sick of songs long before the congregation, so we deal with that issue.

These two classes is DONE-FOR-YOU, ready-made training for your team. They contain contains short, on-demand video lessons, a discussion guide, a leader's implementation guide, slide graphics, and team member handouts.

Lead Worshiper 101 & 201 | Regular Price: $98 CyberMonday Special: $49

Use Coupon Code CMLW at checkout

CyberMonday Discount Code will EXPIRE in...


Get ALL These Trainings (and MORE) for One Killer Price


Practice Matters | Team Training Course - $147

Worship Band 101 | Team Training Course - $149

Arranging Essentials  | Team Training Course - $49

RENOV8 Course Bundle  | Eight, $79 Leadership Training Courses - $632

Lead Worshiper 101  | Team Member Training Course - $49

Lead Worshiper 201  | Team Member Training Course - $49

BONUS: Drum/Percussion Course  | Team Member Training Course - $39

BONUS: Keyboards In Worship Course  | Team Member Training Course - $39

TOTAL COMBINED PRICE if purchased separately: $1,144

Get $1,144 Worth of Training for only $297!

15 Different Leader and Team Training Courses | Total Combined Price: $1,144 CyberMonday Week Special: $297

The CyberMonday Monster Bundle is available NOW, but will EXPIRE in...


30-Day Full Refund Policy

Full 60-Day Refund Promise

Dear Worship Leader,

I know this is a CRAZY time of year for you. You don't have time in December to preview these purchases to see if they're a good fit.

So to remove that barrier, I've changed our thirty day full refund policy into a 60-DAY refund promise: 

You can have the entire month of January to review these resources to make sure they fit your team. If you find within 60 days of purchasing that these don't fit your worship ministry, I'll give you a full refund.

So you can purchase any training you want with zero pressure during the Christmas season to preview them.

Can't wait to see how these trainings are going to level up your team in 2021!

Jon Nicol

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